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The Engin­eer­ing Pro­fess­ors’ Coun­cil wel­comes the ever-wider recog­ni­tion among applic­ants of the value of a degree in engin­eer­ing (“Applic­a­tions for degrees in engin­eer­ing rise sharply”, Report, Feb­ru­ary 14), but sadly, this is unlikely to help meet the UK’s short­age of gradu­ate engin­eers.

Engin­eer­ing degrees are among the most costly degree pro­grammes to run, involving long con­tact hours of teach­ing, and expens­ive facil­it­ies.

In our recent sub­mis­sion to the com­pre­hens­ive spend­ing review, we estim­ated that the aver­age cost is almost twice the fund­ing avail­able. Given the fin­an­cial chal­lenges across the higher edu­ca­tion sec­tor, many uni­versit­ies simply can­not afford to admit more domestic engin­eer­ing stu­dents. Each addi­tional stu­dent would make their losses worse.

The only way to expand capa­city is to increase the inter­na­tional stu­dent intake and use their higher fees to sub­sid­ise more places for UK stu­dents. However, with inter­na­tional demand under pres­sure, this is an option for only a few uni­versit­ies.

Johnny Rich
Chief Exec­ut­ive, The Engin­eer­ing Pro­fess­ors’ Coun­cil
Lon­don SE5, UK

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