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Bringing a pet dog or cat from abroad would now be easy, as No Objection Certificate (NoC) can be issued round the clock at the port of entry itself, a circular by Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) said.

In the circular, dated March 5, the board has communicated part of an office memorandum (OM) by Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department (DAHD) to its filed formation. The OM said, “In the interest of welfare of pet dogs and pet cats as well as facilitation to owners, the final ‘No Objection Certificate (NoC)’ by the concerned AQCS (Animal Quarantine and Certification Services) will be issued to imported pet dogs and pet cats round the clock at the port of entry itself.”  The previous circular, issued in 2020, had no such clarity.

However, the owner has to ensure receiving an advance NoC from the respective AQCS after submission of requisite documents and prior intimation of date & time of arrival through email, the OM added. It took note of the concerns of owners, who feel troubled in obtaining final quarantine clearance into lndia after importing their pet dog and pet cat under the baggage rule. They have to report to respective AQCS for final quarantine clearance, post import.

“All AQCSs are requested to depict location of AQCS facilitation point for final quarantine clearance along with an advance NoC for easy understanding of owners travelling with pet dog and pet cat,” the OM said. Further the CBIC asked all its heads to issue suitable standing order /instructions for the guidance of the field officers.

As on date, import of pet dogs and pet cats is allowed only through airports located in Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Kochi. These are also permitted through seaports or airports located in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.

As on date, maximum of 2 Pets (only dog and cat) can be brought with passengers eligible and availing ‘Transfer of Residence’ after 2 years stay abroad. Passenger is required to obtain Veterinary  Health  Certificate  from Country of Export. She or he need to apply for advance NOC to AQCS and obtain the same. Airline will not lift the live animals until advance NOC from AQCS is obtained by the passenger.

On arrival, the Customs Officers will allow clearance only based on final NOC provided by AQCS after the examination of said pets/live animals and production of DGFT license and/or clearance of WCCB, wherever applicable. The concerned AQCS will inspect only those documents which pertain to veterinary health requirements. The other documents/licenses, which are required under various rules & regulations of other Departments including Customs, shall be inspected by the Customs authorities.

The passenger also needs to remember that in countries such as the USA, the Rabies vaccine, administered to dogs, carries a validity of three years. The Indian quarantine rules require that the Rabies vaccine administered to the pet is not earlier than one year. Hence, if the vaccine administered in the USA is more than a year old the pet will have to be revaccinated for import into India.

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