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There are unsettling times. The post-WWII international system is fraying, financial markets are quivering and Newcastle has won an actual trophy (a small but real one nonetheless). The latest ominous omen is that I actually managed to get the difficulty setting on a charts quiz roughly right.

Rather than crickets or an inbox-busting, comically large number of correct guesses, we got a healthy number of successful guesses and a lot of soooo close ones. Here’s what last week’s three charts showed:

Line chart of $ showing First chart

This is the share price of Blackstone (not BlackRock, as some people guessed).

Line chart of $ showing Second chart

This shows the price of a dozen Grade-A eggs in the US.

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The pink-grey shade shows the overall drop in the S&P 500’s market capitalisation, but we were after the bright-pink bit, which shows the relative contribution of Nvidia’s valuation collapse to the overall carnage.

The last chart tripped up a lot of people who understandably guessed Tesla, but the following champs nailed all three charts: Sam Bevan, Will Moss, Henri de Laromiguière, Ethan Johnston, Michal Hledik, Vlad Tasca, Sam Lee, Jonathan Lipworth and Francisco.

They are all winners of glory, just masses and masses of glory, but only one person can walk away with the prize I❤️charts tee, and the wheel of fortune chose . . . 

Congratulations to Jonathan, who never again has to worry about what to wear to flaunt his brainpower in public.

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