The IEEE Computer Society (CS) Madras Chapter is organizing a Mega ICT Quiz in a lead up to its 80th anniversary celebration. The IEEE Computer Society s a non-profit,technical professional association and was founded in 1946.
The Mega ICT Quiz will cover the Information and Communication Technology history, concepts, developments, trends and current affairs. It is open to students at the college level and school level of 10th grade and above. Researchers, faculty and professionals can also participate in the quiz individually.It will be conducted in four stages- Online Prelims, Zonal Orals (in over 10 centres), Semi-final Orals (in two centres), and Final Orals (at Chennai).
All Orals will be in-person in physical mode except Prelims, which will be held online to select contestants for Orals. 10-12 Zonal Orals will be held in various zonal centres of IEEE Computer Society Madras. The individuals coming first in each of the Zonal Orals will participate in two semi-final Orals which will be held in Chennai and in one of the zonal centres to be decided based on the closeness to the place of residence of the toppers
The last date for the online registration is Feb 22, 2025.