The demand for good quality teas for Iftar has boosted CTC dust sales in Kochi auctions with best liquoring teas remaining firm and dearer.

In sale 11, the demand was strong and the offered quantity was 6,71,589 kg witnessing 97 per cent sales. Traders said that there has been a good demand for quality teas during the Ramadan fasting time as people from the Muslim community prefer such varieties in the morning before the fasting starts and at the time of closing of fasting in the evening. Majority of the community members are tea lovers which boost the market.

The auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said that all blenders together absorbed 64 per cent of the total CTC quantity sold. Improved demand was also noticed from loose tea traders and exporters.

Orthodox dust market was irregular and lower with upcountry buyers and exporters absorbing a small quantity of 14,000 kg offered.

Strong Orthodox leaf

Orthodox leaf market was strong, witnessing a 96 per cent sales out of the offered quantity of 1,51,398 kg. Whole leaf and brokens was firm to dearer especially the lower end teas, which appreciated more. Medium brokens witnessed a strong feature and moved up with longer margin of ₹5 to ₹10 and sometimes more. Middle East buyers were active, while CIS countries lent useful support.

CTC leaf market also witnessed good sales percentage of 91 out of the offered quantity of 41,000 kg.

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