The judge and government lawyers are defending themselves against criticism for letting tech executives testify behind closed doors. Source link
The company says it was offering the better product, while the Justice Department argues the agreements were illegal. Source link
The government says the search giant maintains dominance through illegal deals with phone and browser companies. Source link
What to Read Next Source link
Smart lights, smart locks and smart thermostats are ready for prime time thanks to a new era of cooperation among…
Educators say the simple laptops are no longer a good deal because once they reach their expiration dates they have…
Some of the impact will hit right away, changing how users scroll, search and shop online. Source link
Google’s parent is focusing on turning companies that are developing ambitious technology into commercial successes. Source link
Epstein was advising Google co-founder Sergey Brin in 2007 on setting up a tax-saving trust for his children, according to…
It’s also a potentially massive play to make Amazon the central ID system for your whole life—from banking and loyalty…