One reason the economy keeps humming: A huge chunk of consumer debt still carries low rates, including mortgages and auto…
Consumer prices in the U.K. continue to rise at a faster rate than in most other rich countries, threatening fresh…
Most borrowers don’t stand to gain by favoring adjustable-rate mortgages over 30-year fixed loans. Source link
The U.S. multifamily housing sector is feeling the heat as interest rates rise and rent growth slows. Source link
Worries about future income levels and poor investment returns are pushing borrowers to repay debt early. Source link
MarketsCredit MarketsOffice vacancies, rising rates have investors demanding greater yields for commercial-mortgage debt Source link
Lenders probably aren’t going to be buying many mortgage bonds, which could put upward pressure on mortgage rates. Source link
Data show worrisome trends in real estate, banks and private markets. Source link
Data show worrisome trends in real estate, banks and private markets. Source link
Rising interest rates have exposed the problem with building a strategy around serving wealthy clients. Source link