Orthodox leaf market continued to be buoyant in Kochi Tea auctions, thanks to lower offerings and widespread export demand.
Traders said the auction platform is witnessing a drop by around 25,000 kg per week in tea arrivals due to crop loss in production centres in the absence of summer rains. The shortage of brew in north India has also facilitated exporters there to source the brew from Kochi as well.
In sale 10, the market was strong with a sale of 92 per cent out of the offered quantity of 1,46,925 kg. Good medium whole leaf was steady to firm and irregularly dearer, while whole leaf appreciated substantially. Brokens and medium teas witnessed strong features and gained with longer margins of ₹5 to ₹10 and sometimes more, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.
CTC leaf prices firm
The average price realiaation was up by ₹11 at ₹208.87 compared to ₹197.49 in the previous week. There was active participation of exporters to Middle East and CIS countries.
The market for CTC leaf was firm to sometimes dearer with an offering of 32,500 kg.
CTC dust market was strong witnessing a 95 per cent sales out of the offered quantity of 6,37,522 kg. The market was lower, especially powdery grades and it became firm to dearer following quality as the sale progressed. The average price realization was up by ₹2 at ₹164.69 compared to ₹162.64 in the previous week.
Orthodox dust market was lower with exporters and upcountry buyers absorbing a small quantity. The offered quantity was 7,000 kg.